when it comes to running a business

Change is inevitable.

GROWTH is optional.

Join a cohort of local women focused on developing the relationships and know-how
to see their business flourish.

Growing a business is not for the faint of heart.

Do you ever wish you could just share the load?

Maybe you need a sounding board for new ideas. Maybe you need a shoulder to lean on when your client starts acting up.
Maybe you just want to talk to someone who actually understands what you’re talking about.

You're tired of going it alone.

But where can you find YOUR people?

We're waiting to welcome you with open arms.

Step into a space where women share their experience and expertise – where you’ll find genuine encouragement and support.

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.

Oprah Winfrey

I'm delighted to invite you join

Business Growth Society

A community for intentional women entrepreneurs who are ready to grow.

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Four curated opportunities to learn and connect.

Each event includes:

Brunch & Learn Workshops Lead by Seasoned Experts

  • Continue your personal development and master new business strategies

  • Enjoy brunch catered by Stock & Brew Cafe

From now on, when that ugly voice pops up to tell you that you're just an imposter and everyone else knows what they're doing - you can gently remind that hag that you're upgrading yourself every day.

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Mini Brand Photoshoots with a Featured Professional Photographer

  • Headshots and lifestyle photos in the stunning Stock & Trade showroom

  • Includes two digital downloads, plus the option to purchase additional shots directly from the photographer

Your clients want to see that smiling face! Keep your website and social media fresh and up-to-date at a price you can easily afford.

Connection Time

  • Get to know like-minded female founders who value personal growth just like you do

  • Find support in a community of empowering women who are rooting for your success

relationships are the heartbeat of any successful business and this is where the magic happens. join a sisterhood full of opportunities to meet new clients and partners.

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All events generously hosted by
Stock & Trade Design Co.

Here's what we've got planned for 2024:

Wednesday, Feb. 7th

9:00 AM - Mini Brand Photoshoot

📸 by Samantha Powers of
True North Photography

10:00 AM - Brunch & learn

What Your Clients Want to Hear: Create a Brand Message that Connects​

with Racheal Graham, Marketing and Tech Strategist at GreenHouse Creative​.

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Wednesday, May 8th

9:00 AM - Mini Brand Photoshoot

10:00 AM - Brunch & LEarn

📸 by Jen Deeb from Go with the Flow Photography and Brand U Solutions 

Awareness Tools for a More Aligned Business

with Strategic Business Coach Melissa Froehlich​.

Wednesday, Aug. 14th

9:00 AM - Mini Brand Photoshoot

📸 by Brianna Harper from Harper and Co Photo

10:00 AM - Brunch & LEarn

The Steady Growth Marketing System

with Racheal Graham, Marketing and Tech Strategist at GreenHouse Creative​.

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Wednesday, Nov. 6th

9:00 AM - Mini Brand Photoshoot

📸 by Leah Vanhoose from Leah Vanhoose Photography

10:00 AM - Brunch & LEarn

Regulate Your Nervous System to Grow Your Business

with Hillary Owen, LCSW-S and Founder of Driftwood Healing​.

How to Join Business Growth Society


sign up for one or more events

Choose the event you want to attend.

After you purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation with the link to sign up for your photoshoot timeslot.



Dress your best for your mini-shoot and arrive at least 10 minutes before your selected time.

Then show us that beautiful smile!


show up as
all of you

We want the real you, so don’t hold back.

Come with your insights, your questions, your expertise, and your challenges.

We want it all.


watch your business grow!

I promise – as you invest in yourself and deepen your relationships with other women in the community, you’re going to see the fruit.

Good things take time, so what are you waiting for?

It's time to find YOUR people.

Yes, you could keep showing up to those free business networking things with a plan to drink exactly as many glasses of wine as it takes to endure the small talk with Joe the plumber. (Sorry, Joe.)

Or, You could keep buying online courses and joining professional associations and hope to find what you’re looking for on the internet.

Or, my personal favorite, muscle through the struggle and remain the lone wolf who’s never known how different things can be inside the pack.

Join a community of smart, capable women who know there's room for all of us at the top.

Meet Your Host

Hello! I’m Racheal. 

I’m a website, marketing, and tech strategist who loves to partner with smart entrepreneurs to create steady growth in their businesses.

When I first moved to the area, I wanted to find an organization where I could connect with the women I love to help. 

But had a hard time finding a place where I felt like I could really connect.

I’m kind of allergic to small talk. I’m a go-deep-or-don’t-come-at-all kind of gal.

I crave substance and the kind of relationship that feels genuine instead of transactional.

So, eventually, I decided to create a space where these relationships could form organically, and this little endeavor has become a bit of a passion project for me.

We started in April of 2023 with what was then called Designers’ Growth Society. A community specifically for local Interior Designers (one of the primary industries my agency, GreenHouse Creative, serves).

After several months, we decided to open the group to women in all industries, knowing we could add even more value with a broader perspective and better opportunities to refer business to one another.

I’m so excited to invite you into this community. I cannot wait to get to know you!

Here’s to growing better together!

racheal graham

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You're one of us if...

You may have questions...

If you’re unable to attend, let us know at least 24 hours in advance and we’ll refund your payment.

Please let us know about any dietary restrictions by emailing racheal(at)greenhousecreative.co and we will do our best to accomodate you.

Mini photoshoots will begin at 9:00 am and the Brunch & Learn workshop begins at 10 am and lasts 45 minutes to an hour. 

After the workshop, stick around as long as you like to connect and catch up with other members.


Just send an email to racheal(at)greenhousecreative.co.

Get your event pass for $99.

Our last event of 2024 starts in

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